Answered By: Library Services Last Updated: Dec 05, 2024 Views: 163
Should I deposit all of my research into LJMU Research Online?
There is no requirement to deposit any research that was accepted before 1st April 2016. In addition you do not need to deposit outputs published prior to your affiliation with LJMU. For further information please refer to LJMU Open Access Publishing Policy.
What if I want to deposit all my outputs to LJMU Research Online?
You can deposit all of your outputs to LJMU Research Online providing you still hold the version the publisher allows you to deposit. Most publishers allow you to share your accepted manuscript in a repository, although they may impose an "embargo" on access and restrict how much you can share e.g. only one chapter of a monograph. The author accepted manuscript is the version of your work that has been refereed and accepted, but before the journal has applied their typesetting and branding.
If your work was published open access, then you are able to deposit the published version instead of the accepted manuscript.
What about other types of output (not journals articles, books or chapters)?
We cannot accept other types of published research unless you own the copyright, or the work was published open access. In the majority of cases the publisher will own the copyright if your work was not published with an open licence.
We do not accept posters if you were not affiliated with LJMU at the time the poster was presented, and we do not deposit conference abstracts even when published in a proceedings booklet. Full conference papers can and should be deposited.
We can accept reports even if they were not published externally provided that you have permission for any copyrighted material and from any partners involved in the report.
How do I deposit to LJMU Research Online?
Reasearch outputs are deposited via Symplectic. Please refer to the Publication Deposit Guide. Further help is available on how to use Symplectic to capture your research and publications.
What about things I can't deposit how are they visible?
For any output you can't deposit you can still record these in Symplectic and they will then be visible on your LJMU staff. To do this save the record and do not use the deposit feature.
If you are in any doubt, please feel free to contact for advice.
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