Answered By: Library Services
Last Updated: Aug 01, 2024     Views: 206

Technology sometimes throws us a curve ball, but we've found that trying the following will often help you to access the resource:

  • Check your account details. Retry with your username in the format and your usual password.
  • Clear cookies and cache from your browser. See FAQ: How do I clear my web browser cookies?
  • Try a different browser. We sometimes experience compatibility problems between certain platforms and browsers.
  • Google the exact error message. You will often find the solution online. 
  • Be aware that we rarely purchase all of the eBooks on a particular platform. If it's not listed in Discover, we probably don't have access (but you can contact us to double check).
  • Check your eReader software. eBooks in ePub format require Adobe Digital Editions. This is not the same as Adobe Reader, which is used to open PDFs.
  • Is the eBook PDF trying to open in a browser's own PDF viewer (e.g. Chrome)? Try changing the browser settings to use Adobe Reader instead.

Please Note: Collaborative partner access to library resources varies from partner to partner and resource to resource. Collaborative Staff and Students (Partner Institutions) may not have access to all library resources.

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